SCOTTISH PIG Producers can now apply for hardship funding to help ease some of the financial problems facing their sector following the temporary closure of the abattoir at Brechin last February.

Pig farmers who were impacted by the closure – as well as the subsequent suspension of its Chinese export license – can now apply for £7.50 per pig supplied to Quality Pig Producers plant at Brechin between April 1 and September 30.

The ScotGov fund is worth an estimated £680,000 and is an extension to the original pig Producers' hardship Support Scheme which offered support of up to £715,000 last summer.

Read more: Scottish pig sector given a further £680,000 in hardship scheme

This additional funding comes at a time where the sector has also been hit by spiralling input costs, declining pig prices and a lack of equivalent controls and checks on EU products coming in to the market.

“I am very pleased to provide much-needed support to our pig industry during challenging times, once again," said Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon. "By extending the Pig Producers’ Hardship Support Scheme, we are making over £680,000 available to affected pig farmers that have incurred financial losses through no fault of their own.

“I encourage all eligible pig producers to submit their applications, to benefit from this additional funding.”

Applications opened on Tuesday, February 1, and will close on Sunday, February 20. NFU Scotland is urging pig producers to make use of the newly announced funds.

“The extension of the Pig Producers’ Hardship Support Scheme is something that the union pushed to secure and will go some way to alleviate the huge losses that Scottish pig producers are currently facing," said NFUS pigs committee chair Jamie Wyllie. "The industry remains hampered by low staffing levels throughout the supply chain as a direct result of the pandemic.

“These issues caused by Covid come at a time of high input costs on farms, poor prices globally, and a lack of equivalent controls and checks on EU product coming into the market, upsetting market balance and impacting the sector’s ability to ride out the disruption caused by the pandemic on its processing sector," he explained.

“The opening of the Extended Pig Hardship Scheme will be welcome news to our members, and I encourage all those who are eligible to apply before the February 20."

Managing director of the Scottish Pig Producers, Andy McGowan, welcomed the 'rapid progress' by the Scottish Government to re-open applications.

“This cash boost is sorely needed for pig farmers who are facing a torrid mix of declining prices, pigs backed up on farms and spiralling costs. The longer-term future looks bright for the Scottish pig industry but we need to ensure their businesses survive long enough to see it.”

Full details of the scheme, including guidance for applications and eligibility criteria can be found on the Scottish Government website at

Eligible pig producers are urged to send the completed and signed application, together with the supporting evidence via email to the Scottish Government at