Pens of five lambs from the Halls from Inglewood Edge, landed both the champion and reserve honours at Penrith and District Farmers' Mart's Christmas show and sale of 4742 prime sheep

The supreme, a pen of five Beltex cross lambs scaling 48kg sold for £235 per head or 490p per kg to R Skelton, with the reserve selling for 422p.

Some 2249 lambs forward saw an SQQ average of 293p. Weight was an advantage with the whole sale cashing in at £132.26, with JR Weir, Borrowdale selling 64kg Texel cross Cheviot lambs at £173 per head.

Read more: BB cross from Sleddale Hall tops Penrith at £1700

Quality handy weight lambs were also in short supply, resulting in the best, being considerably dearer on the week, with AJ and FM Harrison, Grange Hall, selling a run of Beltex to average £154 or 375p per kg.

Some 26 ewes sold for more than £200 per head having sold to £240 for a Bleu Du Maine from C Maclennon, Dalvorich Cottage. Rams were topped at £210 by a continental from Holme House.