Make sure you take advantage of £2 for 2 months subscription offer this Christmas.

As a part of the offer, you can get all of our subscriber perks for just £2 for 2 months, before paying the usual £9.99 after the trial period.

Now is a good time to subscribe as we have more than ever to offer our readers. By subscribing not only would you be supporting our journalism, but you will get full access to all of our stories and other perks.


You will be also able to enjoy faster loading articles with fewer adverts - with unlimited access to any story you would like to read by a news source that knows our country and will help keep you informed.

A subscription will also give you access to new puzzles each week as well other rewards and perks as they come along. It will also grant you full access to our mobile app - where you can and scroll through a digital edition of our paper.

READ MORE about all the new exciting features we have to offer.

Not only do you get access to each week’s newest edition, but you will also be able to scroll through older editions for any stories you missed.

You can easily download the app from the Apple Store on any iPhone or if you have an Android, visit the Google Play Store.

You'll instantly have access to our new and improved newsletters on The Scottish Farmer - each morning and afternoon you can receive fully customised messages.