SCOTLAND'S PIG meat processors are to benefit from the introduction of a number of measures to help manage the backlog of pigs on farms.

A Private Storage Aid Scheme and increased abattoir throughput support will provide processors with funding that allows a large quantity of pig meat to be minimally processed and then stored and reintroduced to the food chain or exported at a later date.

Read more: Levy holiday for pig producers offers some financial relief amid ongoing crisis

The Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers welcomed the announcement by the Scottish Government.

“The decision to open PSA for the Scottish pig sector is very welcome," said Executive Manager, Martin Morgan. "The supply chain currently faces a number of challenges on a variety of fronts so any assistance the Scottish Government can add to what is on offer down south will help provide a much needed degree of stability in GB. However the duration of the scheme needs to be carefully managed so we close it at the right time and avoid creating further turbulence for producers and processors.”

Commenting, Rural Affairs Secretary, Mairi Gougeon said: “The effects of the pandemic and Brexit have meant that it has been a difficult year for many people. We have seen a number of issues in the pig sector and we are doing what we can to try and help relieve some of the pressures they are facing.

Read more: Boris blunder over pig crisis sparks furious industry backlash

“We have been listening to the sector in Scotland and this storage aid scheme, combined with the additional support to increase throughput will deliver much needed assistance to their businesses," she continued. "By enabling them to store product for a fixed period of time, this will reduce product wastage at a particularly challenging time for the industry. Work is moving quickly on this and it is hoped to be in place early November.

“This support comes on top of the November levy holiday for the sector introduced by QMS and ADHB across Scotland and England.”