AHDB’S BALLOT on whether or not potato growers want to continue to pay a statutory levy opens today, February 17.

Scottish based potato levy payers are invited to attend a virtual meeting, on Monday February 22, for 'an open conversation' about what AHDB delivers for Scotland, including the Strategic Potato (SPot) farms.

The meeting will allow growers to ask questions of the AHDB potatoes team. Senior members of the AHDB board, including chair Nicholas Saphir, potatoes chair, Alison Levett, strategy director Rob Clayton, head of export trade development, Patrick Hughes, and senior knowledge exchange manager, Claire Hodge, will also be present to answer questions.

Jim Reid, who farms at Milton of Mathers in Angus, and is the current host of SPot farm Scotland, commented: “It’s the field trials that we learn from the most. AHDB’s knowledge exchange managers are highly experienced and offer practical advice and support to help us trial different methods to address the key challenges we are faced with, such as the loss of diquat, to help us improve the way we farm.”

Mr Clayton added: “We would like to encourage all Scottish based potato levy payers to join the meeting and make their vote count. This is a separate session that has been added to the calendar of potato sector ‘townhall’ events and is open to all.

“Any supply chain groups wanting a specific session for their members or for AHDB to attend an existing meeting where they can discuss the ballot and what it means can contact me at rob.clayton@ahdb.org.uk to set this up.”

Each potato growing or buying business who has paid levy in the 12 months up to the ballot closing on March 12 is entitled to one vote.

To register for the meeting visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/scotland-and-the-potato-levy-an-open-conversation-tickets-141668065999