NSA Scotland's recent Annual Regional Members Meetings, held via the online meeting platform ‘Zoom’, attracted a much larger audience than in previous years.

The meeting was held to deal with the election, reapproval and nomination of office bearers, representatives, regional trustees, directors and new committee members. In addition to this, attendees approved the minutes of the 2019/2020 ARMM, and received the NSA Scotland chairman’s and treasurer’s reports for the year 2020/2021.

Attendees voted the re-election approval of regional committee comprising of Jen Craig as regional chair, Maimie Paterson as vice chair, Mary Dunlop as regional treasurer and Aileen McFadzean and Peter Myles as regional trustees. John Fyall was also re-elected as the Scottish representative for the NSA UK Policy and Technical Committee.

NSA Scotland chair Jen Craig commented: “Thank you to all those who attended this year’s ARMM. I am very privileged and grateful to be re-elected to serve another two years as chair of NSA Scotland. The support from the Committee and our members has been tremendous and I can’t thank them enough and look forward to continuing to work together for the Scottish sheep sector in 2021 and beyond.”

Following the business of the ARMM, NSA Scottish Region welcomed Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Tourism, Fergus Ewing, who delivered an update on the issues relating specifically to the Scottish sheep sector in 2021 and beyond with the new information that a deal has been struck with the EU.

This also provided some clarity and direction to the next steps to be made by Scottish Government. Those in attendance were given the opportunity to ask Mr Ewing questions relating to the Scottish sheep sector, which he reportedly answered with 'understanding and conviction'. Topics discussed with Mr Ewing were the continuation of farm support, impacts of predators, rewilding, farmer-led groups, FAWC consultations, new entrants and also the importance of research to the agricultural industry.

NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker joined the meeting to give an update on recent NSA activity related to policy work.