Mull crofter Ronnie Campbell has been presented with the NFU Scotland Argyll and the Islands Stalwart award at his local branch meeting.

The award was created in 2016 in recognition and memory of the dedication shown by Mull’s Bert Leitch and Lachlan MacLean. Both Bert and Lachlan, who represented NFUS farmers and crofters both regionally and nationally, sadly passed away in 2015.

The award is presented annually to either a member who has given their time and effort to the work of the union in Argyll and the Islands, or someone who has made a significant contribution to agriculture in the area. Ronnie was announced as the 2018 winner at the region’s AGM in January but was unable to travel to the event.

Presenting the trophy to Ronnie this week were regional board chairman John Dickson from Bute; Mull branch chairman Tom Corbett (left) and Mull regional board representative Jim Corbett (right). Ronnie was joined by his wife Sheila.

Sheila brought a minute book of the South West Mull branch of NFUS to the presentation, which showed that Ronnie was first elected onto the NFU committee in 1966 and has gone on to give more than 50 years of service to the union.

Ronnie, who runs a croft at Uisken with Sheila, has continuously represented Mull and crofters on the unions’ Crofting Highlands and Islands committee and is a past vice chairman of the group. He also represented NFUS on the industry’s liaison group with Caledonian MacBrayne ferries as well as being a Crofting Commission Assessor, a Special Constable and a forestry commission ranger and stalker.