POLICE SCOTLAND has launched a new campaign to alert dog owners to the devastating effects of livestock worrying.

The publicity drive has been timed to coincide with sheep being brought down to low lying pasture, which is often more accessible by people and dogs – which is why November has seen a spike in worrying cases in the past.

Police Scotland rural crime co-ordinator inspector Jane Donaldson said: “Rural dog owners and those who choose to exercise their dogs in the countryside must ensure they are under control at all times and avoid going into fields where livestock is grazing. The Scottish Outdoor Access Code says that dogs shouldn’t be taken into fields where there are lambs or other young farm animals.

“During a campaign in this year’s spring lambing season we discovered that, in nearly three quarters of livestock worrying cases, the offending dog was local to that area, with more than half of all incidents involving a dog roaming free and where no owner or responsible person was present.

“The partners involved in this initiative are also encouraging farmers to help educate dog owners and dog walkers and prevent incidents occurring. We are encouraging farmers and landowners to engage with dog walkers and to help by putting up signs up on gateways and on key roads and paths alerting them to the presence of sheep and other livestock in their fields," added Inspector Donaldson.

Farmers and those who use the countryside are urged to report all incidents of livestock worrying to police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.

“Police Scotland will robustly enforce the existing legislation, ensuring all reported cases of livestock being attacked by dogs are thoroughly investigated and offenders reported to the Procurator Fiscal,” added Inspector Donaldson.

NFUS policy manager Gemma Cooper added: "NFUS is pleased to see this initiative, as it is a cause which it has been championing for some time now. Instances of dog worrying are never acceptable; they cause our farmers personal heartache, and often substantial and ongoing financial loss. It is disappointing that instances are still high in number.

"We would urge farmers affected by this issue to ensure that they report this via 101 as this will help ensure that the multi organisation momentum that has been ongoing for some time now is kept up. In addition, we would urge Local Authorities to use Dog Control Notices more frequently, as this option can be very effective, but is currently quite underutilised as a method of dealing with this problem."

SLaE policy manager Katy Dickson added: “This is a fantastic time of year to be out of doors, but we encourage people in rural areas to be aware that livestock may be nearby and to exercise their dogs responsibly in accordance with the Outdoor Access Code. We hope farmers will also get behind the campaign and engage with the public. The impacts of livestock worrying are devastating for all involved and can be avoided by keeping dogs under close control.”

SNH policy manager Theresa Kewell said: “We are also encouraging dog owners to find out how to keep themselves and their dogs safe by checking the advice on the Scottish Outdoor Access Code website – search for www.Jessthedog.org.uk. It’s always good to have the knowledge and foresight to see how and when problems could arise so to be alert to the work of the farming community is very useful.”