Kelso Ram Sales is always one of the highlights of the sheep calendar, and this year's event looks set to be another busy day with no fewer than 4281 shearling and ram lambs entered across 15 covered sale rings.

Although entries are down 148 head, some 16 breeds will be represented, with Texels boasting the biggest entries at 1400 followed by 980 Suffolks and 455 Bluefaced Leicesters. The sale also includes some other breeds such as the Hampshire Down and the Dorper.

The sale kicks of at 10:00am, with the traditional ringing of the Kelso Ram Sales bell which this year will be rung by Willie Sandilands a veteran of more than 70 years at the event having started his career at Charterhouse.

Mr Sandilands was born and brought up at Charterhouse on the Makerstoun Estate, which was home to a famous Border Leicester and Oxford Down flock. He and his brother Rob were fortunate in acquiring their own farmland at Mid Harrietsfield after the dispersal of the Charterhouse flocks on the death of Matthew Templeton.

Kelso Ram Sales which dates back to 1838, have grown into a multi-breed event that is internationally renowned and commercially significant to the Scottish Borders.

Willie Pate, chairman of the Border Union Ram Sales Committee, commented: “Entries are robust for the 2023 Kelso Ram Sales along with positivity throughout the sheep trade. I see it being a successful day and a critical part of the rural economic year.”

“The 2022 Kelso Ram Sales was a strong event with a record breaking average which upholds the events enviable reputation as the frontrunner in the industry. We look forward to keeping our reputation as the premier sale of rams in the country.

“From all at the Border Union, we look forward to welcoming you on the day.”

A full ballot listing can be found on the Border Union Agricultural Society website.