An updated app which offers faster identification of problem animals for more timely intervention and better outcomes has been launched by HerdVision, one of the leaders in multi-format imaging technologies for reporting of mobility and body condition (BCS) scores.

“Herdtasker is an upgrade of our existing reporting app,” explains Gabby Emery, HerdVision customer success manager. “Using constantly evolving algorithms, Herdtasker reports problem cows identified by the camera as soon as early signs of issues are identified, making it possible to ensure fertility and mobility issues are addressed more quickly.”

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The company's camera mobility and condition scores animals every time they walk under the camera, meaning a detailed picture of the herd is produced automatically. A high degree of consistency of scoring is achieved and based on the data, the app flags cows for attention in two action lists with data shared with farmers, the milking team and advisors such as the vet as required.

The Mobility Alert list reports any cows whose mobility score has increased to a score 2 or 3 in the last seven days, indicating a problem that needs addressing.

The Fertility Check list includes cows that have either lost condition while dry or have calved down in too poor condition, sending details to Herdtasker within seven days of calving. This allows them to be managed to prevent problems, perhaps having a personalised voluntary waiting period. The app also highlights cows with mobility problems in early lactation as these can also compromise reproduction.

Ms Emery added: “The system does all the work identifying and reporting the problems in an easy to access task list. This means problem cows, many of which will not have been picked up by other systems, are identified quickly allowing more rapid intervention to reduce the consequences of reduced production, extended calving interval and potentially higher treatment costs."