A brand-new No 1 Holstein bull takes a convincing lead in the new young genomic sire Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) rankings.

Taking the top spot in the new rankings published this week by AHDB Dairy, is Wilra SSI Faneca Ebersol whose PLI of £1017 demonstrates the profit-earning potential of his daughters. Its breakdown, including outstanding Predicted Transmitting Abilities (PTAs) for fat (56.4kg and +0.27%), udder health (-29 SCC, -3 Mastitis) and daughter fertility (Fertility Index +11.5), highlights the origin of much of their commercial advantage.

Like many of the top £PLI sires, Ebersol is expected to produce healthy, easy-care daughters. His sire is Badger SSI Lucia Faneca and a dam, by Pine-Tree Legacy, comes from a prolific cow family which features no fewer than three descendants in the top 20.

In taking the lead, Ebersol has dethroned Genosource Captain, the longstanding No 1 bull, whose PLI of £959 now earns him second position. Captain’s transmission of milk production does however remain amongst the highest in the breed, at 1070kg PTA milk, which is combined with a high Calf Survival at 4.7.

Moving into third is Denovo 17835 Lennon-P (PLI £955), one of the best bulls for daughter longevity, transmitting an extra 162 days more lifespan than average. Also passing on good daughter fertility (FI +12.6), he has an outstanding HealthyCow index at 298.

Next up are three sons of long-time leader, Genosource Captain.

First is DG Peace (PLI £949) which now ranks fourth, and like his sire, transmits high milk (1080kg). However, he tops his sire for protein transmission, with a massive 41.5kg.

DG Space is a new entry in fifth place with a PLI of £942. He’s a good udder health improver (-27 SCC, -3 Mastitis) and overall health transmitter (HealthyCow 301).

Sharing fifth is UK-bred Cogent Keopon Rocky which also ranked in the top five in the August release.

CherryPenCol HighCloud slips one place to seventh (PLI £933) and is one of the best Lameness Advantage sires in the ranking, with a score of +3.7. He also transmits shorter than average gestation length (-3).

New in eighth is Pine-Tree GS Cruzer (PLI £929). Another high milk producer (1051kg), his good digital dermatitis score (+0.9) and breed-leading Feed Advantage (271), help earn him the joint highest EnviroCow score at +4.8.

Maternal half-brother to the No 1, and ranking ninth is newcomer, Wilra S-S-I Conway Stihl. Displaying great milk quality (+0.32% fat, +0.15% protein), this son of Sandy-Valley R Conway weighs in with a PLI of £926.

Rounding off the top 10 is a bull which featured high in the August run, Peak AltaSeverus, this time earning a PLI of £922. His superb transmission of daughter fertility (+14.8) is the best in the top 20.

“A glance at this ranking reveals that the breeding industry’s growing emphasis on health and efficiency is reaping rewards, as most of the leading young sires offer greater profit potential through their daughters’ better health, longer lifespans and higher feed efficiency – all alongside the production of quality milk,” says Marco Winters, head of animal breeding for AHDB.

“However, whilst they transmit the traits required for modern dairy production, I’d urge any producers to check their relationship to their own cows – ideally by using the AHDB Inbreeding Checker – before they select their service sires in order to maintain a diversity of bloodlines.”

For the complete list of available bulls, please visit the AHDB website.