LIVESTOCK THEFT across the UK has fallen for the second year running.

Rural insurer NFU Mutual reported a fall in rustling claims of 25.5% since the pandemic began, and a 5.5% fall on the previous year.

But the figures still suggest that animals worth a total of £2.1million were stolen in 2021 – and the Mutual warned that rising prices of livestock and meat could lead to a new wave of thefts, and urged farmers to remain vigilant.

Rural affairs specialist Rebecca Davidson said: “Until recently it was very difficult to bring about prosecutions because of the difficulties detecting stolen animals and the likelihood that stolen sheep were usually sold for their meat. Now we are seeing hi-tech security and marking systems, along with DNA testing, each making it more difficult for criminals to escape justice.

“While the latest figures are going in the right direction, livestock rustling remains one of the costliest crimes after machinery theft," she continued. "It’s a crime which attacks the roots of farming life and causes huge anxiety for farmers. It also causes suffering to stolen animals which are transported and slaughtered without concern for their welfare.

Read more: Tackling rural theft in farming communities

“The fact that large scale thefts are still taking place demonstrates there’s no room for complacency and we’re concerned that higher meat prices, combined with the squeeze on consumers, could lead to a new wave of livestock theft.”

To avoid buying unsafe, stolen meat which has been slaughtered illegally, NFU Mutual is advising members of the public not to buy meat from unusual sources. The insurer is also supporting a number of initiatives around the UK to help detect livestock theft. These include two trials of connected farms, which use sensors to detect unusual activity and sound an alert.

Devon and Cornwall Police are rolling out an innovative anti-rustling scheme on Dartmoor which is deploying a range of different security systems to beat livestock thieves. It also encourages community involvement by getting local residents and countryside visitors to report suspicious sightings of livestock being moved to farmers or the police. NFU Mutual figures show the cost of rustling in Devon and Cornwall reduced by 8% last year.

PC Martin Beck of the Devon and Cornwall Police Rural Affairs Team said: “During 2022 we will be inviting local farmers, local residents and visitors to be the eyes and ears of the moor to help protect our farms and livestock. The Community Livestock Theft Scheme, which we will be introducing to more farms on Dartmoor, brings the whole rural community together to tackle livestock rustling."

To deter and detect livestock thieves, NFU Mutual advises farmers to:

• Ensure stock is clearly marked and records are up to date;

• When possible graze livestock in fields away from roads;

• Check stock regularly – and vary times of feeding and check-ups;

• Consider gate sensors and a high-tech marking system;

• Join a Farm or Rural Watch scheme to share information about rural crime activity in your area;

• Ask neighbours to report any suspicious sightings either to you, the police, or to give information anonymously to the Crimestoppers Hotline 0800 555 111;

• Dial 999 immediately if an incident is taking place – and do not approach criminals.