According to the Met Office, this summer is on track to be the wettest summer in a century but that has not damped the spirits for a Scotch BBQ.

New research from QMS shows that 26% continuing to BBQ outdoors despite the weather and 40% quickly pivoting to using their oven to grill indoors. This resilience highlights the nation's dedication to their beloved summer culinary tradition, proving that not even record-breaking rainfall can wash away their passion for grilling.

When it comes to what people are putting on summer barbecues, meat was the clear favourite. The findings reveal that the humble sausage is the must-have BBQ dish this year, with a whopping two-thirds of respondents choosing it. Closely following, the classic burger garners 65% of the votes and 40% of those surveyed plumping for steaks, marinated steaks and chops, demonstrating that BBQ enthusiasts continue to enjoy simple staples.

BBQs remain popular despite the weatherBBQs remain popular despite the weather

To help amateur grill masters up their game even further, John Davidson of John Davidsons Butchers, Inverurie shares his top tips for a memorable and mouth-watering barbecue for what’s left of the summer!

John Davidson said: “When cooking at home, there are countless ways to enjoy barbecuing, whether you're grilling a variety of meats or adding a selection of vegetables for a balanced, flavourful meal".

“Both as a butcher and someone who barbeques most days, when it comes to choosing the perfect meats, I always direct people to top-quality options like Scotch Beef, Scotch Lamb, and Specially Selected Pork.

“Heading to your local butcher means you can have a chat about what you need and maybe come away with some new cuts you’ve not tried before, confident that you’re bringing home meat that’s been freshly prepared and is ready to cook. It's a simple choice that makes a big difference, ensuring that every barbecue at home is a delicious, wholesome experience to enjoy with family or friends”.

John's barbecue top tips:

• When planning your barbecue, the choice of meat can make all the difference. If you're short on time but want maximum flavour, try grilling some lesser-known Scotch Beef cuts like hanger (onglet) steak, bavette, or flank Steak. These cuts are reasonably priced, full flavoured steaks with character. For a more classic option, you can’t go wrong with sirloin, ribeye or rump steaks, which offer simplicity and satisfaction every time.

• Specially Selected pork chops are a favourite of mine—just be sure not to overcook them. And if you're looking for something truly special, a thick-cut Scotch lamb chop is hard to beat, especially at this time of year as we head towards the peak lamb season.

• If you’re in the mood for something that requires a bit more patience, consider going low and slow. A specially selected pork shoulder is perfect for homemade pulled pork, which is an experience in itself. Similarly, a Scotch lamb shoulder, cooked until it's tender and falling off the bone, is exquisite.

• Scotch beef chuck roast is another fantastic and easy option, but the real secret to success is talking to your local butcher. They can offer invaluable advice on availability and the best cuts for your barbecue.