The electrification of how we live is unstoppable. Electricity demand is predicted to double by 2050 – from the way we heat and power our houses, to the appliances and devices we rely on daily, to the way we get around. It’s easy to see why.

To support that demand and ensure we have clean, homegrown electricity to pave the way to net zero and guarantee energy security, we need to generate more electricity from renewables. We need to build new windfarms to meet the UK’s decarbonisation targets. We need you.

ScottishPower Renewables is actively looking for new land for future renewables developments, offering an opportunity for landowners and businesses to diversify and unlock new revenues that can amount to a substantial additional income. SPR’s existing landowners have benefited from welcome financial stability in a period of volatility created by extraneous factors like Brexit and Covid.

MORE NEWS | Matthew Imrie discusses the process of adding renewables

We’ve been at the forefront of the renewables industry for over 20 years, and with over 3GW of operational capacity – enough to power the equivalent of over 2.3 million homes – we are well versed in developing, delivering and operating these sites.

We’re in a unique position to work with landowners to increase renewable energy generation across the country and help you diversify, unlock new income opportunities, and find sustainable solutions to suit every bespoke site.

Everything we do is done responsibly – we strive to be the best neighbour, sharing the benefits of our projects with the local communities, and have distributed over £64m in community benefit funding to date in areas near our onshore windfarms. That’s money directly invested in the community, decided on by the community, for the long-term sustainability of those areas.

And it’s anticipated that will increase to £200m in community benefit funding over the lifespan of those operational sites. That’s a real social dividend that ensures communities are benefiting from this transition.

We recognise the importance of biological diversity and cultural heritage, and respect natural resources in order to enhance the environment. We’ve invested £4m in peatland restoration, have planted over 1.3 million trees to date, and manage over 10,000 hectares of land across our portfolio via Habitat Management Plans – all driving benefits for biodiversity and carbon capture. With experts across a variety of areas from energy yield to ecology, planning, grid connectivity, engineering, construction and asset operation, our in-house resources enable us to offer a unique end-to-end service.

We have the backing of our parent company, Iberdrola, meaning we are positioned to sustainably secure funding and a route to market for our projects – avoiding exposure to banks or third-party funding providers and therefore no ‘land banking’.

You can play a part in helping transition our national energy supply towards a cleaner, electric future.

To find out more, contact us via our dedicated landowners webpage: and you will be put in touch with a project manager in your area who will take the project all the way through from development stages to delivery, offering a single point of contact to guide you through the whole process.