A WEST Biggins ram lamb proved the star attraction at a show and sale of Bluefaced Leicesters at North West Auctions’ J36 sale when selling for a centre record price of £7000.

The West Biggins T13 lamb from WM Reed and Sons, Lands Farm, is sired by Highberries H2 and out of a Carry House Jackpot Dam, sold to S and T Fawcett, Fold House.

Two ram lambs reached £3000, with the first being the pre-sale show champion, Cottage T13, from Lanarkshire breeder, Jimmy Bell, Birniehall Farm, purchased by the Castle Hill flock of P and A Fell, Ulverston.

Also making £3000 was the second prize lamb from Alec and Anders Brown’s Macqueston flock, Thornhill, Dumfries. Their T4 Macqueston lamb headed home with AR Edmondson, Hawkswell.

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Paul Hallam, High Birkwith, forked out £2800 for a T9 Snab Green lamb from H Huddleston, Carnforth.

Two lambs made £2000 – Otterburn Lodge T8 from JA and R Caton, Otterburn purchased by RG and H Preece, Thornbush Farm, and Carry House T54 from RD Archer and Son, Hexham, which was knocked down to HW and MA Alderson, Howgill Grange.

Shearling rams reached £2200 on two occasions. First was Red Way S2 from L White, Derbyshire, who also sold Red Way S1 at £1800, with both selling to J Handley, Gunnerfleet. The second shearling to reach £2200 was Lakeland Valley S1 from R Lawrence, Greaves, purchased by NR and CS Hodgson, Ravenstonedale.

At £2000, D Sharp, Flodder Halls, sold Flodder Hall S3 to TLB and J Knowles, High Borrowbridge.

The first prize shearling and reserve champion from the Wights, Midlock, Crawford, made £1800 selling to S Dugdale, Tilberthwaite.

Aged rams peaked at £1500 for M39 Hewgill from AR Edmondson, Hawkswell. This two-shear was knocked down to SJ and C Handley, Thornton Hall.

Averages: Ram lambs, £983.14; shearling rams, £913.04; aged rams, £818.75