Bluefaced Leicester shearling rams proved the star attraction at a multi-breed sale of 1322 rams and females at United Auctions’ Stirling mart, where the crossing-type secured the lead prices.

Dearest at £7000 and selling for a new centre record was a ram from Stewart Park and Eunice Mills’ SP Dalpeddar flock from Auchens, Sanquhar, purchased by A Smellie and Partner, Posso. Sired by a M1 Hewgill, he is bred from a home-bred ewe by a N1 Nisbets, making him a full brother to a £2200 lamb sold last year.

Just behind on £6500, Jamie Pirie, Blarnavaid, sold a son of the P1 Marriforth bred from a ewe by a Barnshangan sire. He sold to Andrew McQuistin, Barnshangan, New Luce, with Allan Shennan, Farden, Girvan, taking a half share.

MORE NEWS | Logan Victorious Glamour makes 2200gns at Carlisle

MORE NEWS | Ballymena Bluefaced Leicesters – Ballytober tops 28,000gns

Sandy Hunter’s Wedderburn consignment peaked at £5000 for a shearling son of Midlock Zeus. The buyer was Hugh Fergusson, Ayrshire.

Cretlevane and Easter Dawyck, also had a good day with Blue shearlings at £4400 and £4200. The dearest from Allan Mcarthur is sired by a £16,000 Dawyck ram and sold to James Nesbitt, Sorn Mains, Sorn, for pedigree use.

The £4200 shearling from team Thornborrow’s Dawyck flock from Peebles is by a son of the £10,000 N1 Dawyck Frank the Tank and was purchased by Pearsie Estate, Kirriemuir.

Suffolk shearlings peaked at £2800 twice from Robert Bryce, Chalmerstone, selling to Messrs Smith, Knowehead and T Meiklem and Son, Lochran.

A two-shear ram from Archie and John MacGregor, Allanfauld, Kilsyth, topped the accredited Texels at £2400, when selling to Monzie Farms, Crieff.

Stuart McDougall, Millhouse, led the non-accredited Texels with a shearling that sold for £2300 to Messrs Adam, Muirdean

Leading the cross-bred rams at £1700 was a shearling from J Graham and M Orr, Mains of Burnbank purchased by E Porter, White Room.

Society breed sales of Beltex, Blue Texels and Lleyns were also staged, and sold to 3500gns from Andrew Morton and family, Lochend, Denny. Their Beltex shearling which stood champion at the pre-sale show, sold in a two-way split to D Fisher Contracting, Groan Farm and Alan Wright, West Lundie.

The reserve Beltex from Andrew Baillie’s Calla flock from Lanark, realised 3000gns.

Stephanie Dick’s Stephick flock from Westerton, Stirling, produced one of two Blue Texels at 1700gns. Her male champion, a shearling was purchased by Messrs Taylor, Braes of Ardeonaig, Killin. Matching that 1700gns sale was another shearling from Stuart and Wendy Hunter, West Cairnhill, Insch.

Lleyns were topped at 1350gns by a shearling from Hamish Goldie, South Bowerhouses, Dumfries. It headed home with Rosneath Farms.

Averages: Shearling rams – Bluefaced Leicesters, £1556.57 (+£488.96); Texels, £1002.81 (+£127.47); Suffolks, £923.64 (+£239.40); Beltex/Texel/Suffolk crosses £729.14 (+£127.23). Beltex – 70, 937.50. Lleyn – 25, £672. Blue Texels – 24, £631.31

Ram lambs – Blueface Leicesters, £1157.81 (+£511.81); Texels, £526.19 (-£54.66); Suffolks, £405.

Females – Lleyn – 237 head, £204.32. Blue Texels – 19, £315.

Leading Prices

Shearling rams – BFL – Auchens £7000; Blairnavaid £6500, £4000 (x2); Wedderburn £5000; Cretlevane £4400, £4000; Easter Dawyck £4200; Clunebeg £3400.

Suffolk – Chalmerstone £2800 x2, £1800, £1600, £1500 x2; Carwood £1700 £1600.

Texel – Allanfauld £2400 (two-shear); Millhouse £2300; Hilton of Culsh £2000, Veltigar £2000; Toftcombs £2000.

AOB – Mains of Burnbank £1700; Chalmerstone £1600, £1400; Langside £1500; Laigh Balernock £1500; Mains of Burnbank £1300.

Beltex – Lochend 3500gns, 2000gns x2; Carstairs Mains 3000gns; Lepinchapel 2000gns.

Lleyn – South Bowerhouses 1350gns; Laga 1100gns; Teuchitfauld 1000gns; Over Whitlaw 900gns.

Blue Texels – Westerton 1700gns; West Cairnhill 1700gns, 1000gns x2; Millside 1200gns, 1000gns; Inchford 1050gns.

Ram lambs – BFL – Blarnavaid £2000, £1800, £1500; Dreva £1800; Sorn Mains £1800 £1600, £1300; Corsbie £1600.

Texel – North Garngour £1200 x2; Overburns £1100; Woodside Avenue £1000.

Suffolk – Bents £550; Findowrie £500; Woodside £500 £400; Findowrie £400.

Flock Averages

Farm (No) Top (£) Average (£)

Bluefaced Leicester shearlings

Posso (8) 2600 1700.00

Hilton of Duncrievie (4) 1000 987.50

Kingledores (11) 2100 1563.64

Hamildean (8) 1400 1062.50

Townhead (10) 2400 1560.00

Knowes (6) 1600 1266.67


Weachyburn (6) 1500 1050.00

Easter Happrew (7) 2800 1671.43


Lammermuir (11) 2100 1963.64

Overburns (8) 1900 1325.00

Kepculloch (10) 2000 1550.00

Tower Steading (3) 1000 733.33

Wedderburn (7) 5000 2314.29

Pitcairn (5) 2000 1560.00

Arnicle (8) 1500 1112.50

Kilburn (7) 2100 1457.14

Beeches (7) 1700 907.14

Glenfinnan (4) 1600 1300.00

Blarnavaid (16) 6500 2350.00

Craig (5) 1000 960.00

Dunbrach (5) 2000 1640.00

Kinaldy (5) 2000 1080.00

Lochend (10) 2600 1480.00

Kerry Cottage (3) 1500 1166.67

Allanfauld (5) 2800 2080.00

Woodhall (4) 1600 1175.00

Claylands (10) 3100 2020.00

Barr (4) 2400 1507.50

Dykeneuk (4) 1800 1450.00

Dalpeddar (5) 1800 1420.00

1 Grassmillees Way (4)1000 700.00

Firth (8) 1400 993.75

Craigton (7) 1300 1014.29

29 Victoria Road (3) 1500 1133.33

Easter Dawyck (6) 4200 2083.33

Auchens (7) 7000 2371.43

Corsbie (6) 2200 1733.33

Newbigging Walls (14) 2600 1950.00

Kypehill (4) 1200 825.00

Stobilee (3) 1600 1200.00

Over Finlarg (12) 2000 1691.67

Cretlevane (12) 4000 2216.67

Glenrath (4) 2000 1600.00

Clunebeg (18) 3400 1788.89

LedburnLea (9) 1300 877.78

Blarnavaid (5) 2000 1540.00

Sorn Mains (8) 1800 950.00

Kirkhope (3) 800 700.00

Bluefaced Leicester females

Ruthven (3) 210 203.33

Knowes (3) 310 300.00

Non-accredited rams all breeds

Laigh Balernock (6) 700 583.33

Dalwyne (5Texs) 450 410.00

East Rottearns

(3 BTexels) 250 216.67

East Bracklinn

(4 Texs) 1000 862.50

(6 Belt X) 1200 916.67

Millhouse (9) 2300 1223.33

Townhead (3) 1300 933.33

Kerry Cottage (3) 700 600.00

Headshaw (3) 600 500.00

Chartershall (3) 450 416.67

Stobssheil (6) 1400 733.33

Halliday Livestock (5) 500 390.00

Accredited Texel shearlings

Veltigar (10) 2000 1050.00

Carriston (10) 1800 1420.00

Carstairs Mains (7) 1000 800.00

Station View (4) 800 512.50

(4 Blue Texels) 400 325.00

East Cauldcoats (3) 1100 766.67

Elmscleugh (12) 1800 1466.67

Westhall (6) 800 650.00

South Mid Frew (4) 1000 850.00

Hilton of Culsh (11) 2000 1209.09

Craigdouglas (4) 1300 1125.00

Wanton Walls (8) 1300 787.50

Toftcombs (6) 2000 1333.33

Muircleugh (9) 1500 1377.00

Riddell Cottage (6) 1300 1050.00

Greenfield (4) 1200 950.00

8 Woodside

Avenue (5) 1330 1106.00

Lower Bardrain (3) 900 716.67

Leemeadow (8) 1500 1100.00

Easton (6) 800 625.00

West Carse (6) 1400 950.00

Scrogtonhead (23) 1800 1252.14

Dyke (3) 1400 1066.67

Floors (8) 1800 975.00

Southfield (8) 1400 925.00

Allanfauld (8) 2400 1312.50

Howgillside (10) 1500 765.00

Strawfrank (4) 1400 1100.00

Mitchellhill (6) 1300 916.67

Over Finlarg (17) 1700 1047.06

Nunnerie (7) 1500 1014.29

Blackhouse (8) 1700 1012.50

Chalmerstone (9) 1300 811.11

Midlock (4) 1400 1125.00

Hartside Farms (6) 800 608.33

Nethermill (7) 1200 914.29

Robisland (8) 1400 1262.50

Duncairnie (8) 1000 718.75

Scarhill (6) 1200 875.00

Woodend (6) 1700 1183.33

Accredited Texel ram lambs

Sauchenhall (4) 500 400.00

Strawfrank (9) 650 500.00

Carse of Trowan (3) 850 583.33

North Garngour (3) 1200 1066.67

Overburns (6) 1100 591.67

Allanfauld (4) 650 462.50

No 2 Hill of Errol (4) 500 412.50

Wester Parkgate (3) 200 200.00

Accredited Suffolk shearlings

Chalmerstone (10) 2800 1800.00


Leadburn (3) 600 516.67

Howgillside (3) 800 750.00

Carwood (11) 1700 1118.18

Lochend (4) 800 575.00

North Balloch (3) 500 466.67

Southfield (6) 700 583.33

Stonyford (6) 500 500.00

Glenrath (3) 850 766.67

Accredited Suffolk ram lambs

Bents (4) 550 375.00

Findowrie (4) 550 412.50

Accredited rams of all breeds

Chalmerstone (5 Belt) 500 440.00

(6 Suff X Blt) 1400 975.00

(7 Belt X) 1600 971.43

Hilton of Culsh (3Belt X)900 833.33

(3 Suff X) 1200 933.33

Langside (5) 1500 1060.00

Toftcombs (3) 800 666.67

Mains of Burnbank

(6Belt X) 1700 850.00

(3 Suff X) 1300 1066.67

Stanley (4) 850 637.50