A Suffolk shearling ram led Darlington Farmers Auction Mart’s third annual Tup Chalice on Tuesday evening when selling for the top price of 1600gns.

According to the auctioneers, the sale of 275 head saw noticeable premiums paid for stretchy Suffolks, colossal cross-breds, towering Texels and commodious Charollais.

Top price went to the first prize Suffolk shearling from RN Kirby and Son, Barstow Hall, with the breed averaging in excess of £1000.

Texel shearlings sold to 1250gns on two occasions – for an entry from PR Weaver Little Manor Farm, Newark and for another from DR and RL Burns, Lodge Farm, Leicestershire.

Cross-breds also proved popular with a Texel cross Beltex from Louth-based CS Noble, Grange Farm, making 1200gns. The overall champion, a Suffolk shearling from G Hodgson, Rose Hill, made 1100gns.

Ram lambs sold to 800gns for the reserve overall champion, a Charollais from Charles Marwood, Foulrice.

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Leading Prices

Shearling rams – Suff –1600gns, 1200gns, 1100gns, RN Kirby and Son; 1400gns, 1000gns x2, 950gns EJ Boby; 1350gns, 1250gns, 950gns R Craig; 900gns P Lupton; 900gns I Spedding; 850gns PK and HC Dowson. Tex – 1250gns, 1200gns DR and RL Burns; 1250gns, 1150gns, 1100x2gns, 1020gns, 1000x2gns, 950gns, 900gns x2, 880gns x2 PR Weaver; 1100gns x2, 1050gns, 800gns JC Thwaite and Son; 1100gns C Foxton; 1000gns, 850gns, 800gns x2 I Spedding. Cross – 1200gns, 1150gns, 1000gns, 800 x2gns CS Noble; 1180gns, DJ Summers and Son; 1150gns, 900gns T and J Hunter; 1100gns, 750gns, 700gns, G Hodgson; 850gns, D Whitcher; 800gns CW Marwood and Son. Char – 1050gns D Whitcher; 800gns, 700gns T and J Hunter. Belt – 500gns x2 T and J Hunter.

Ram lambs – Char – 800gns, 500gns CW Marwood and Son; 580gns, 500gns T and D Harrison. Suff – 750gns, 600gns P Lupton; 750gns, 600gns, 520gns, 500gns, MC and MD Sparke; 650gns R Craig. Tex – 650gns, 550gns, 500gns P and K Brannen; 650gns JC and A Metcalf. Cross – 600gns, 550gns, 500gns, R Craig.