A larger entry of longer keep lambs forward for C and D Auction Marts’ sale of 7526 store lambs on Tuesday, peaked at £130 for a pen of Suffolks from AC Barbour, Keil, Campbeltown.

The event also featured the first main show of 1705 Cheviot and 1152 Blackface lambs.

Feeding ewes (359) were topped at £200 for a pair of Texel ewes from HRC Mcculloch and Co, Kilmichael Farm.

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Leading Prices

Store lambs – Suff – £130 Keil; £110 Haliburnton; £109 Castlemilk; £108 Park Howe. Tex – £124, £119 Longformacus; £120 Archbank; £118 Moor; £116, £114 The Moy; £115, Barmagachan; £114 Burdonside, Mains and Eden Grove. Belt – £122 Sorbie £120, Purgavie; £118, Beckstones; £112 Longformacus; £111 Dykeside; £110 Hazelbank. BDM – £116 Purgavie. Rom – £112 Castlemilk. Cross – £110, £109 Mains; £108, Hepplehill; £106 Burdonside. CHM – £110 High Dovecote. NCC – £104 Yethouse; £98 Lanefoot; £94 Moss Side; £94 Boreland. Chev – £95, £90 Sundaysight. Easy – £91, £88, £86, East Fortissat. Char – £86 Westernhopeburn. BF – £94, £83 Sewing Shields; £90 East Fortissat; £86 Blakehope; £84 Baitlaws; £82 The Lamperts. BFL – £76 Penpeugh. Herd – £63 Low Longlands.

Feeding ewes – Tex – £200 Kilmichael; £120 Hullerbank; £118 Keil,; £108 x2 Low Longlands; £104 Moss Peteral. Suff – £119 Keil. Cross – £138, £109 Hullerbank; £108 The Hagg. BF – £78 Kilmichael; £66 Milkieston, £66 Pole. NCC – £95, £89 Ballaggan;£90 Milkieston; £82 Boreland and Moss Peteral.