The reserve champion – a Limousin cross heifer – from E and K Bland, Gaisgill, led Hawes farmers auction marts' store cattle sale, when selling to £1820.

The judge, James Huck, Hubberholme, found his champion in a Limousin cross steer from WM and JE Shuttleworth, Barbon, which made £1600.

However topping the steer trade at £1750 was another Limousin again from E and K Bland, Gaisgill.

Among the breeding cattle a top price of £3300 was achieved for the third prized heifer and calf from JW and ME Taylor and Sons, Dent, the same home also produce the champion which peaked at £3050.

Leading Awards

Steers – 1 and champion, WM and JE Shuttleworth, £1600; 2, E and K Bland, £1580; 3, E and K Bland £1750.

Heifers – 1 and reserve champion E and K Bland, £1820; 2, WM and JE Shuttleworth, £1480; 3, G and P Middleton, £1350.

Heifer and calf – 1 and champion, JW and ME Taylor and Sons, Dent £3050; 2, JW and ME Taylor and Sons £2950; 3, JW and ME Taylor and Sons £3300.

Cow and calf – 1, Cragg and Carr, Hawes £1680; 2, Cragg and Carr, £1600; 3, Coverhead Farms £1300.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Steers – Lim – E and K Bland £1750, £1580; WM and JE Shuttleworth £1600, £1500, £1400; G and P Middleton £1540, £1500, £1480, £1300; T Metcalfe and Son £1400, £1340; S Alderson £1340, £1240; AT Pratt £1240; Collier Holme £1020. A-A – G and P Middleton £1180, £1070. BB – RF and RD Kettlewell £1160, £940; D and DR Alderson £1110; J Dixon and Sons £1110.

Heifers – Lim – E and K Bland £1820, £1630; WM and JE Shuttleworth £1480; AP and D Sowerby £1440, £1400, £1160; G and P Middleton £1350, £1140; JC Fawcett £1300; S Alderson £1160, £1140, £1020; AT Pratt £1160, £1090; J Dixon and Sons £1090; Collier Holme £1010. BB – JC Fawcett £1440, £1420, £1300, £1300, £1280, £1240, £1210, £1190; JH Sharp and Sons £1380, £1280, £1280, £1080; D and DR Alderson £1280, £1100; J Dixon and Son £1090, £1020. A-A – G and P Middleton, £1230, £1120; JF and GR Howard £1070, £1040, £1040. Hols – JC Fawcet £1540. Stab – Coverhead £1290, £980, £980.

Breeding cattle – Lim – JW and ME Taylor and Sons, £3300, £3050, £3050, £2750, £2650, £2600. Blonde – JW and ME Taylor and Sons £2650, £2550, £2450. Parthenais – JW and ME Taylor and Sons £2950. BB – AF and BA Dawson £2520. BS – Cragg and Carr £1680, £1600.