Dumfriesshire sheep and cattle farmer, Robert Hall from Craiglearan, Moniaive has been appointed new non-executive chairman of Farm Stock Scotland Ltd – the farmer owned, livestock marketing co-operative based in the Scottish Borders and operating throughout central and southern Scotland.

Robert brings a wealth of global marketing and business experience to the role, having worked and studied in agriculture in various parts of the UK, Canada, New Zealand and the Falkland Islands. He also specialises in marketing premium Falkland wool.

Robert said: “Farm Stock canvasses livestock outlets to achieve the best prices whilst minimising costs through direct sales, utilising co-operation to make for a highly efficient route to market. I relish the promotion of these beneficial objectives.”

Vicky Warcup, who has been with Farm Stock for 10 years continues as an executive director of the board and is now leading the procurement team and heading up all livestock marketing following the retirement of Ian Watson, after 12 years.

Vicky explained: “Supplying a wide range of abattoirs throughout Scotland, Northern England and the UK, the co-operative aims to match lamb and cattle supply with best demand, maximising returns to our farmer members. Whether it's Texels, Easycares, Mules, Cheviots or Blackface lambs and Angus, Holstein or Charolais cattle. The procurement team is 100% dedicated to achieving high values for members' stock on the day they are marketed”.

Jonny Williams who has been with the co-operative for nine years is also an executive board director and is now responsible for business marketing, financials and administration aspects of the farmer owned business.

Jonny, “As a farmer owned business our primary objective is putting all our members interests first in terms of providing an at cost, transparent, honest, and trusted livestock marketing service. The core of our business is based upon deadweight marketing of sheep and cattle direct from farm to abattoir as well as a growing farm to farm store trading arm for store and breeding stock”.