New president of Holstein UK is Nick Helyer of the Clampitt herd who was appointed at the AGM staged as part of association’s Celebration event in Wiltshire.

He takes over from out-going president, Andrew Jones of the Rossett herd.

Together with his family, Mr Helyer established the Clampitt herd in 1965 with the purchase of a few bulling heifers. Located within 561 hectares, the milking herd has since grown to 230 cows yielding 11,149 litres at 4.22%BF and 3.28%P per year on a twice-daily milking regime.

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He attended agricultural college in the 1960s and has been a member of the black and white societies since 1965. In the past, he has been president and chairman of the South and Wiltshire Holstein Club, as well as chairman of Salisbury NFU and Salisbury Discussion Club.

Mr Helyer was elected onto the Holstein UK Board of Trustees in 2004 serving his eight-year term until 2012. He also sat on the CIS Board from 2007 to 2012, holding the position of chairman in his last two years.

Wallace Gregg stepped down as chairman of the Board of Trustees and representative of Northern Ireland. He is replaced by Steve Hill who has represented the North Midlands region since 2019.

New to the board is Iain McLean of the Priestland herd who has been elected as a representative for Northern Ireland.