Emissions from Scottish farming have been reduced by almost 12% in the past 30+ years according to the latest data.

New official figures show that between 1990 and 2022, emissions have been cut by 1m tonnes of carbon dioxide (1.0 MtCO2e), according to the Scottish Government’s latest GHG statistics report.

Overall, since the 1990 baseline, there was a 50.1% decline in estimated net emissions in Scotland, or a 40.8 MtCO2e fall. However, this is still short of the Scottish Government’s key annual target of a 53.8% reduction.

Contributions to the reduction included electricity supply, which saw emissions fall by 13.0 MtCO2e, amounting to a 88.1% decline.

READ MORE | Scotland slashed agriculture emissions by 11.9% since 1990

Industrial emissions fell by 7.2 MtCO2e (56.8% reduction), while waste management emissions fell by 4.9 MtCO2e (a 75.4% decline).

Màiri McAllan, cabinet secretary for net zero and energy, said Scotland’s reduction in emissions saw ‘significant decreases’ from the electricity generation, waste and industry sectors.

“Indeed, legislation making its way through parliament right now, including the Agriculture and Circular Economy Bills, will drive down emissions in the years to come,” she said.

“These bills complement our ongoing action to unleash Scotland’s potential as a renewables powerhouse, support a 20% reduction in car use by 2030, and decarbonise building.

“These are just some examples of our determination to continue driving down emissions while growing our economy and ensuring a fairer, greener society for our people.”