A change to the top spot in the daughter-proven sire, sees Wilra Knowhow make his debut in the August genetic evaluations.

Graduating from the genomic rankings, he is a son of De-Su 14222 Kenobi, earning a Profitable Lifetime Index of £852, thanks to the contribution of his early milking daughters. Knowhow’s Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) include protein of 37.5kg, the highest of the top 10 proven sires, and good udder health (-23 SCC and -2 Mastitis).

Former No.1, Genosource Captain, now ranks second (PLI £807) and continues to display high fat (45.3kg) with good maintenance (-21) and feed advantage (235). Captain also transmits great calf survival at 3.1.

Bomaz Kettle also makes his debut and ranks in third place, and is also a son of Kenobi. Kettle adds a handful of UK daughters to those milking around the world and earns a high weight of fat at 45.4kg and a PLI of £775.

Exceptional milk quality transmitter, Progenesis Wimbledon, rises from seventh to fourth position, now with a PLI of £756. He combines 0.39% fat with 0.25% protein, as well as an excellent daughter Fertility Index of 13.6.

Climbing into the top 10 for the first time, Denovo 15567 Kimmel is the third son of Kenobi to feature, now ranking fifth. With a PTA for milk of 963kg, he transmits the highest weight of milk in the top 10.

Bomaz Complex also sees improvements, to now rank in sixth position, with a PLI of £726 and high fat percent (+0.36). And with over 1000 UK daughters now milking, Denovo 7899 Archer holds firm with a PLI of £724 and has the best Lameness Advantage in the top 10 (+4.0).

The solid production figures of Peak AltaPlinko earn him his debut in eighth position, with a PLI of £721.

Moving up to ninth is Hul-Stein Party Time with a PLI of £715 and an impressive 45.7kg fat, thanks in part to his 474 daughters milking in the UK.

Rounding off the top 10 is Pine-Tree CW Legacy, the great health improver of the group (HealthyCow 331) which features the best udder health (-30 SCC, -3 Mastitis), highest daughter fertility (FI +15.1) and longest lifespans (LS +189 days).

For the complete list of available bulls, please visit the AHDB website.