Tony Hall has been presented with the Glendale Agricultural Society Long Service Award for 42 years of continuous service to Wooler Auction Mart.

The surprise presentation, by president of the society, Lord James Joicey, was made amongst friends, colleagues, and many farming customers at the Glendale Agricultural Society Sponsors Evening, at Lady Waterford Hall in Etal.

Tony Hall was born and brought up on his family farm, Bewick Folly near Eglingham, and after a spell working at Acklington Mart, he joined Wooler Mart as an auctioneer in 1980. Today, he lives on site with his wife Cathleen.

Tony has spent his years working at the Mart through what he describes as both changing and on occasions challenging times, and for a number of owners.

Today the mart is owned and operated by Harrison & Hetherington, and on presenting him with a long service gift, Scott Donaldson, managing director of Harrison & Hetherington said: “For me Tony epitomises someone who is fully invested in his customers, he always goes that extra mile, and he would always do anything to support and help his customers.

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“Tony has held the roles of Auctioneer and Fieldsman at Wooler mart, for 42 years, and during this time there have been many changes in ownership, the only constant in this period of its history has been Tony. So on behalf of H&H, I would like to congratulate and thank him for his many years of service to the mart and I am delighted to be part of helping Tony mark this major landmark.”

Each year the Glendale Agricultural Society present long service awards to those who have worked continuously for farmers, landowners and rural businesses continuously for 20 years. Tony, who was not aware of the presentation in advance, said afterwards: “This is the highlight of my career, I am humble person and really was quite overcome and totally shocked. I would like to thank everyone involved in this presentation and of course Harrison & Hetherington and The Glendale Agricultural Society.

“Running Wooler Mart is a team effort, and we have a fantastic team. I would not be here this evening without the support of my colleagues and of course the farmers who we work with on a daily basis.”