
A Limousin cross heifer from Messrs Moffat, Stone House, Gretna, secured the top price of £2100 at Harrison and Hetherington's weekly sale of store cattle.

Steers sold to average £1396.20 whilst heifers cashed in at £1369.21.

Steers witnessed a top of £2000 for a Limousin cross from Messrs Slack, Newby Farm, Carlisle.

Limousin bulls topped the weaned cattle at £1400 from Messrs Reid, Kirkburn.

Limousin bullocks sold to £1360 from Messrs Lord, The Bog, with the same breed topping the heifers at £1240 from Messrs Cowan, The Ash, Messrs Lord, The Bog and Messrs Fletcher, Muirston.

The weekly sale of calves sold to £595 for a four-month-old British Blue bull from Messrs Wadsworth, Big Balcraig, Newton Stewart with the same home topping the heifers at £560.

On Monday, the weekly sale of store lambs, topped at £94 for a single Texel lamb form C Scott, Low, whilst a pen of 26 Mules from Messrs Gate, Low House, achieved £86.

LEADING prices

Store cattle – Heifers – Lim – £2100, £1820 (x2), £1730 Stone House; £1980, £1920, £1880 (x2), £1860, £1800, £1750, £1680, £1660 Orton Hall; £1960, £1920, £1780 Hallmoor; £1680 Rigg Head; £1660 Pelutho Park. A-A – £1900, £1880, £1760, £1700, £1540, £1520 Orton Hall; £1740 Moss Side House; £1590, £1440 (x2) Thornby Villa; £1520 (x2), £1460 Grassings; £1480 Stubbyknowe; £1400 Cutcloy. BB – £1880 (x2) Westray; £1810, £1740 Moss Side House; £1700 West Whitrigg; £1620 (x2) Stockbridgehill; £1580, £1490 High Flowery Hirst; £1530, £1480 New House; £1530 (x2) Woodslee; £1420 High Green Hill; £1420 Gimmenbie; £1410 Broathill. Char – £1680, £1560 (x4) Hillhead; £1570 Rigg Head; £1505 (x2), £1470 (x2) Newbampton; £1460 Burnside. Hfd – £1540 Grassings. Hols – £1520 Broathill. Sim – £1390 Cutcloy. BS – £1320 Greenwrae. Pie – £1320 New House. Gall – £1300 New House.

Steers – Lim – £2000, £1950 Newby; £1810 Chapel House; £1790 East View; £1790, £1740, £1600 Shield Green; £1780 (x2) High Knells; £1760, £1620 Bolton Wood Lane; £1740 (x2) Edenlin; £1700 Stockbridgehill; £1670 West Whitrigg; £1660 Greenwrae; £1640 Swallowdene; £1630 Bank; £1600 Netherhill. Hfd – £1980 Westray; £1500 Parton; £1480 (x4), £1380 (x6) Mouswald Grange; £1320 (x3) Cardewlees. A-A – £1890, £1440 High Bow; £1690, £1460 Low Milton; £1690, £1660, £1630 Stubbyknowe; £1630, £1600, £1530, £1490 Burnside; £1500 Broathill; £1500 (x2) Limekilns; £1470 (x3) Horsegills; £1450, £1400 (x2) Gamelsby. BB – £1820, £1680 Beckhall; £1740 (x2), £1660, £1630, £1500 Bank; £1650, £1560, £1520 Low Milton; £1620 Bolton Wood Lane; £1600 West Whitrigg; £1580 Stockbridgehill; £1560 Stenries; £1530 (x2) Town House. BS – £1800,£1590 Greenwrae; £1700, £1550 East View; £1400 (x2) Parton. Sim – £1680 Rigg Head; £1410, £1400 Chapel House; £1380 (x2) Mouswald Grange; £1330 Burn House; £1310 Wardpark. Char – £1690 High Knells; £1490, £1470 Riggfoot; £1440 Burnside; £1430 Low Houses; £1425 (x2) Stone House. Hol – £1440 (x3), £1430 (x4), £1430 (x6), £1300 (x3) Low Milton. HF – £1430 Low Milton. Fleck – £1380, £1360 Limekilns. Saler – £1330 (x2) Raygarth Field.

Weaned cattle – Bulls – Lim – £1400, £1380, £1340 Kirkburn; £1390, £1310 Townhead; £1360 Sydenham; £1340 Attonburn; £1300 Stockbridgehill; £1270, £1180 Hudscales; £1250, £1180 Fellside; £1180 Dumbretton; £1130 Haydon Bridge; £1120 Chapel; £1040 High Thorn. Sim – £1080 Waterloo. A-A – £1030 Moss Grove; £1020 Conhess.

Steers – BB – £1390, £1260 Muirston; £1220 The Ash; £1100 Pasture House; £1070 Beamwham; £1010 Light Birks; £1000 Wolsty; £990 High Plains; £920 Chapel House; £920 Pasture House; £910 Wall End. Lim – £1360, £1200 The Bog; £1220, £1200, £1130, £1010 The Ash; £1210, £1040 Burthwaite; £1140, £1000, £975, £930 Pasture House; £1130 Beamwham; £1060, £990, £920 Wolsty; £980, £910 Skiddaw View; £960 The Firs Priestcroft. A-A – £1130 High Plains; £1070 Partridge Nest; £1040 Light Birks; £1000 Wolsty; £980, £910 Skiddaw View. BG – £1010 Castle. Blue Grey – £990 Castle. Char – £930, £910 Bank; £910 Brocklerigg.

Heifers – BB – £1250 Muirston; £1060 High Plains; £1040, £970 Wolsty, £910 (x2) Thornbank; £900 Bailey Town. Lim – £1240 The Ash; £1240, £1180 The Bog; £1240 Muirston; £1230, £1200, £1140 (x2), £1050 Bonshawside; £1120, £960 East Nethershields; £1050, £920 Beamwham; £1000 Hudscales; £980 High Thorn; £970 Burthwaite; £950 Waterloo; £930 Millholme; £920 Skiddaw View. A-A – £1220 Edenbanks; £1070 Partridge Nest; £1030 East Nethershields; £990 Low Houses. Char – £1070 High Thorn; £940 Brocklerigg.

Calves – Bulls – BB – £595, £590, £570, £560 Big Balcriag; £570, £560 Hadderdale; £520 (x3), £490, £445 Chalk Lodge; £500 Dykehead; £485 White House; £480 (x2) Portyerrock; £475 (x2) Tempest Tower; £470 Harrington Ling; £455 Meinfoot; £450 Gaitsgill Hall; £450 (x2) High House. Lim – £540, £475 Kirtlevale; £465 (x2), £345 (x2) Bleaberry Rigg; £435 Boggle Hall; £340 Pears Ghyll; £215 Meinside. BS – £470 Portyerrock; £335 Guillyhill. A-A – £460 (x2), £410 (x2) Lodge of Kelton; £410, £370 Boggle Hall; £385 (x2) Tempest Tower; £325 Chalk Lodge. Fleck – £440 (x2), £425 (x2), £370, £355 (x2), £350 East Bowhill; £350 Portyerrock. Hfd – £360 Portyerrock. Welsh Black – £350 Rosewain. Mont – £345, £300 Gillespie. Sim – £330 Seathill.

Heifers – BB – £560, £540, £510, £430 Big Balcraig; £440 (x3), £410 (x2), £400, £380, £360 (x2) Dykehead; £425 (x2), £410 Priory; £400, £380 High Plains; £390 Harrington Ling; £370 White House. Lim – £395, £385 Boggle Hall; £355 (x2) East Bowhill. A-A – £390 Big Balcraig; £340 (x2) Tempest Tower; £340, £330, £320 (x2) Lodge of Kelton; £320 (x2) Priory.

Store lambs – Tex – £94, £67 Low; £92, £83, £82 Chapel House; £78, £61, £55 Border Rigg; £72, £65, £62 Burthwaite; £70 Greengate Well; £55 Hill. GF – £81 Low House. Belt – £77 Hill; £75, £74 Well. Suff – £67 Beech Trees. Zwart – £66 Chapel House. Jacob – £48, £40 Fell View.


Averages were up on the year at United Auctions' sale of 119 store cattle, when bullocks and heifers cashed in at 277.43p per kg (+34.59p) and 269.08p (+41.58p) respectively.

Bullocks sold to £1540 for a Hereford cross from A Macphail, Clachan, and to 313p for a pen of four Limousin crosses from AJ Maclean, Heylipol.

It was again Heylipol, that was back in the money among the heifers selling Aberdeen-Angus crosses to £1700 and 376p.

In the cow section, cows sold to £1380 for a Saler cross from JA Macdonald, Druimasaidh.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – A-A X – Heylipol (x2) £1400; Kilkenneth £930, £870; Cornaigbeg £850. Char X – Heylipol (x3) £1170, (x2) £1145, (x2) £1085; Salum £1060; Heylipol £955. Hfd X – Clachan £1540, £1460, £1375, £1300, £1265, £1185, £1135, £1020. Lim X – Heylipol £1450, (x4) £1330, (x2) £1210; Kenovay £1185; Heylipol (x2) £1110; Kenovay £1105, £1090; Salum (x3) £1060; Barrapol £950. Sal X – Cornaigbeg £960, £930, £900; Main Road £845. Sim X – Barrapol £1170.

Heifers – A-A X – Heylipol £1700, £1620, £1320, £1295, £990. BB X – Heylipol £1040. Char X – Heylipol £1000, £965; Salum £870. Lim X – Heylipol £1400, (x2) £1390, £1295, £1200, £1110, (x3) £1060, £1050; Salum (x5) £970; Heylipol (x2) £935. Sal X – Druimasaidh £1440; Cornaigbeg £940.

Breeding cattle – Farrow cows – A-A X – Croish £1340, £1140; Whitehouse £1000. BS – Heanish £1340; Main Road £1050. Lim X – Whitehouse £1100. Sal X – Druimasaidh £1380; Crossapol £1200. Sim X – Druimasaidh £1270; Mannal £1240; Balevullin £1150.


Penrith and District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 130 rearing calves and stirks, where trade topped at £890 for a Limousin heifer from RW and AJ Jackson, Clarks.

Calves were far sharper yet again with a top of £500 paid for a pair of Aberdeen-Angus bulls from Messrs Messenger, Howes.

LEADING prices

Stirks – Bullock – Hfd – £730 (x5) Lamonby Hall. BB – £730, £680 Lamonby Hall; £670 Cairnbridge. Fleck – £705 (x4) Roanstrees. A-A – £700 Roanstrees; £625 (x2) Cairnbridge. Norwegian Red – £520 (x2) Lamonby Hall. Dairy Shorthorn – £520 Lamonby Hall.

Bull – BB – £700, £655 (x2) Welton; £700 Welton; £570, £510 Mount Clifton. A-A – £670 Looking Flatt. BS – £310 Mount Clifton; £300 Howes.

Heifer – Lim – £890, £870, £780 Clarks; £875 Looking Flatt; £800 (x3) Mosedale End. Hfd – £580 (x4), £520 (x4) Lamonby Hall. BB – £545 Welton; £500 (x3) Cairnbridge. A-A – £540 Roanstrees; £450 Howes.

Calves – Bull – A-A – £500 (x2), £480 Howes; £430, £400 Street House; £320 Mount Clifton. BB – £470 Mount Clifton; £430, £330 Monks House; £410, £390 Bramery; £400, £390, £360, £350, £330 Brackenburgh Home. Char – £350, £290 Prospect House. Black and White – £210, £115 (x2), £105 Skirwith Abbey. Hfd – £145 (x2), £140 (x2) Yanwath Woodhouse; £130 (x2) Townhead.

Heifer – BB – £490, £410, £370 (x2), £360, £350 The Bramery; £480 Howes; £455 Monks House; £320 Brackenburgh Home. Lim – £430 Skirwith Abbey. A-A – £390 Mount Clifton; £300 (x2) Street House; £250 (x5), £215 (x4) Greengill Head. Char – £385 Bank View.


Heifers led the way at Aberdeen and Northern Marts' weekly sale, with a top price of 351.1p per kg paid for a pair of 470kg Limousin crosses from Cairntack, Belhelvie, and to £1900 for a 714kg Simmental cross from North Crannoch, Grange. to cash in at 292.8p.

Bullocks averaged 305.7p and sold to 350.9p for a pen of four 426kg Limousin crosses from Braebuster, Deerness and to £1860 for a 662kg Charolais cross from East Mains, Lumphanan.

Bulls (21) sold to 328.3p for a 396kg Limousin from Drumforber, Laurncekirk, and to £1470 for a 538kg Limousin cross from Netherskaill, Birsay.

Store lambs saw an increase in value with all classes well bid for, reaching £97 for Texels from Backhill of Cardrum, Oldmeldrum, to cash in at £59.93.

Island consigned store lambs (207) averaged £74.72 and sold to £99 for Texels from Withaquoy, Holm.

Mules from the Bungalow, Troup Home, achieved £160, with breeding sheep levelling at £126.40.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – Up to 300kg – Cairnbeathie £840, 306.6p. 301-350kg – Little Tulloch £1170, 342.1p. 351-400kg – Milton of Noth £1345; Braigiewell 348.1p. 401-450kg – Braebuster £1495; Sebay View 343.3p. 451-500kg – Tomnavoulin £1595, 332.3p. 501-550kg – Gyratesmyre £1670; North Crannoch 316.4p, 551-600kg – Barnyards of Badenyoucher £1860, 320.7p. 601-650kg – Woodhead £1805; Tillyboy 294.7p. 651-700kg – Troup Home £1850, 283.7p.

Heifers – Up to 300kg – Drumforber £900; Lochussie 302.8p. 301-350kg – Maesquoy £1030; Haugh, Birse 305p. 351-400kg – Bridgeton £1370, 347.7p. 401-450kg – Milton of Noth £1440; Kincraigie 345.5p. 451-500kg – Cairntack £1650; North Crannoch 345.8p. 501-550kg – Feaval £1680; Relugas Mains 319.1p. 551-600kg – Troup Home £1745; Gyratesmyre 301.8p. 601-650kg – Bogie Street £1760; Meikle Camaloun 289.7p. 651-700kg – Meikle Camaloun £1840; Troup Home 275.6p. 701-750kg – North Crannoch 266.1p.

Bulls – Up to 300kg – Delfur £800, 253.2p. 351-400kg – Drumforber £1300, 328.3p. 401-450kg – Delfur £1250; Pitprone 298.3p. 451-500kg – Drumforber £1390, 292.2p. 501-550kg – Netherskaill 273.2p.

Breeding sheep – Mule Reg – The Bungalow £155. Suff – North Lurg, Midmar £150. Cont – The Bungalow £135. Suff X – The Bungalow £120.

Store lambs – Cont – Briarlea Cottage, Meikle Wartle £93. Tex – Delnabo, Glencairn £91. Belt – Newmill, Crathes £90. Cont X – Delnabo £86. Suff X – Mains of Allanbuie, Keith £84. Suff – Mains of Allanbuie £82. Tex X – Midtown of Buchromb, Dufftown £80. Char – Shougle £80. Belt X – Cairns of Mayen, Rothiemay £79.

Island consigned store lambs – Pure Tex – Housebay, Stronsay £97. Cont – Gairsty, Sandwick £91. Tex – Skelbister, Orphir £90. Tex X – Skelbister £90. Suff – Upper Onston, Stenness £88. Black – Withaquoy, Holm £88. Suff X – Withaquoy £83. Chev – Norville, Norby £80.

Stirling (Cale)

A new centre record for Caledonian Marts' fortnightly sale of store cattle was achieved when a Limousin bullock from Caldcoats Beef, Malletsheugh, Newton Mearns, made £1980.

Bullocks cashed in at 293p per kg with a pen of Charolais selling to 345p for Gilmour Farms, New Peninver, Campbeltown.

Heifers sold to 411p for a pen of British Blues from Arow Farms, Campbeltown, and to £1720 for an Aberdeen-Angus again from Malletsheugh, Newton Mearns, to average 284p.

Also forward were 592 store hoggs and breeding sheep, which witnessed a pen of in-lamb Texel ewes scanned twins top the sale at £152 for H Aird, Harelaw, Crook of Devon.

Leading the store hoggs at £104 were Beltex from Kincaple Farm, Wester Kincaple, St Andrews.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – £1980 Malletsheugh; £1800 Pitcairn; £1740 Jawpark; £1720 Pitcairn; £1570 Jawpark; £1550 Malletsheugh and Jawpark; £1540 Melonsplace.

Heifers – £1720 Malletsheugh; £1700 Craighead; £1570 East Kerse; £1560, £1520 Malletsheugh.

Store hoggs – Tex – £97, £91, £88 Kincaple. Suff – £94, £91 Kincaple; £88 West Saline. Belt – £104 Kincaple. X – £86, £83, £80 Spittal.


Bullocks led the way at C and D auction marts' fortnightly sale of store cattle, when selling to a top of £1670 for a Charolais cross from D Wilson and Son, Marwhirn, and to 327.7p per kg for Limousin cross consigned by Argyll producers, NW Littleson, Killegruer.

Heifers reached £1600 for a Charolais from TR and S Hyslop, West Lanegate, and to 301.5p for a Limousin from Killegruer, Glenbarr.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – Char – £1670, £1660 Marwhirn; £1380 Hartbush. A-A – £1540, £1410 No2 Tregallon; £1540 Shenrick; £1380, £1360 Cormaddie; £1360 Highlaw. Lim – £1430, £1390 (x2) Hartbush; £1390 Meikleholm; £1330 Highlaw; £1320 Belridding; £1310 Lantonside. BS – £1410 No2 Tregallon. Sim – £1390 Lochbank and Hartbush; £1335 Upper Moor. BB – £1380 Seafield; £1240 Belridding. Hfd – £1285 High Auchneel. Mont – £1270, £1265 Seafield. Lui – £1160 Crosslee.

Heifers – Char – £1600 West Lanegate. Lim – £1530, £1400 Upper Moor. Sim – £1510, £1400, £1380 Innerfield; £1300 High Auchneel. BB – £1420 Shenrick; £1330 Upper Moor; £1280 16st Ninians Grove. A-A – £1410, £1300 Innerfield; £1370 Upper Moor; £1365 Shenrick; £1310 Cormaddie. Sal – £1300 High Auchneel. Hfd – £1260 High Auchneel.


A Limousin cross bullock from Messrs Walton, Greyside, Newbrough, secured the top price of £2160 at Hexham and Northern Marts' weekly sale of store cattle.

The lead heifer came from John Carpenter, Rare Dean, Cornsay, in the form of an Aberdeen-Angus cross at £1780.

Also forward were 1854 store hoggs, which witnessed a pair of Texel tup hoggs make £210 for T Common and Son, Low Ardley.

Suffolk cross hoggs sold to £115 from JA Rogerson, Bellshiel.

LEADING prices

Store cattle – Steers – Cattle 23-30months – Lim X – £2160, £2000 Greyside; £1740 South East; £1700 Lunns House; £1660 South East; £1600 Lunns House. A-A X – £1980 Aydonshields; £1920 South East; £1600, £1580, £1540 Church. Sim X – £1600 Peddar Hill. BS – £1200 Hallbankgate. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1960, £1760, £1660 Low Stokoe; £1590 Berry Edge; £1580 Lunns Houses and Highwood; £1560 Tenter House, Highwood and Catreen; £1540 Highwood; £1520 Berry Edge; £1510 White House and High Trewhitt; £1490 Raggetsyke; £1440 Grange Houses and Highwood. Char X – £1900 Rare Dean. A-A X – £2000 Aydonshields; £1900 Rare Dean; £1820 Aydonshields; £1740 Peddar Hill; £1720 Rare Dean; £1660 Peddar Hill; £1540 Peddar Hill and Catreen; £1510, £1460 Peddar Hill. Sim – £1580 South East. Sim X – £1650, £1640, £1630, £1600, £1540, £1500 Peddar Hill. Hfd X – £1720, £1630, £1600 Thornham Hill. Saler X – £1500, £1460 Highwood. Part X – £1660 Newlands Haugh. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1770, £1660, £1630, £1590, £1530 West Nubbock; £1500 Greyside; £1470, £1430, £1410,£1380 Dykehead; £1370 Stotsfold; £1360 Willimoteswick. Char X – £1470 West Nubbock; £1320, £1240 Little Harle. A-A – £1250 Old Town. A-A X – £1500 Demesne; £1495 Wittonshields; £1385, £1380 Demesne; £1360 High Trewhit; £1350 Dunscombe Moor and Warden Law; £1330 Wittonshields; £1325 Chathill; £1300 Demesne; £1280 Chathill; £1250 Wittonshields; £1240 (x2), 1230 Chathill; £1200 Yatesfield. BB – £1480 Greyside (x2), £1440, £1340, £1260, £1220 Woodhouse. Saler X – £1420 Highwood. BS – £1390 Yatesfield. Cattle 10 months and under – Lim X – £1540 Willimoteswick; £1500, £1455 East Unthank; £1410 Willimoteswick; £1380 East Unthank and Wallend; £1315 Shillafield; £1280 Willimoteswick; £1270 Wallend; £1220 Hawksteel; £1200 West Moorhouses;£1180 Burmoor (x2), Wallend and Low Ardley; £1170 Tarset Hall and West Moorhouses; £1150 Low Ardley. BB X – £1220 West Moorhouses. A-A – £1380, £1260, £1225 Old Town. A-A X – £1180 Chathill; £1155 Wittonshields.

Heifers – Cattle 23-30months – Lim X – £1310 East Newham. A-A X – £1480, £1440 Church. Hfd X – £1650 Thornham Hill. South Devon X – £1340 Wingates Wholme. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1670 Tarset Hall; £1620 Greyside; £1590 Berry Edge; £1570 East Uppertown; £1500 Tenter House; £1440 East Newham and Grange House; £1380, £1370, £1360 Greyside;£1310 Grange Houses. Char – £1390 Tenter House. Char X – £1580, £1560 Newlands Haugh; £1340 Little Harle. A-A X – £1780 Rare Dean; £1720, £1560 Catreen; £1490 Newlands Haugh; £1360 East Uppertown; £1350 New Houses; £1320 Newlands Haugh. Part X – £1630 Newlands Haugh. Hfd X – £1650, £1500, £1480 Thornham Hill; £1390 Bunker Hill. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1680, £1590 West Nubbock; £1520 Tarset Hall; £1500, £1320 Hawksteel; £1310 Greyside and Stotsfold; £1250 Stotsfold; £1200 Burmoor. Char X – £1450 Woodhouse; £1380 Raggetsyke. BB – £1460, £1390, £1350, £1260 Woodhouse. A-A X – £1120 Brackenthwaite and Warden Law; £1095 Yatesfield; £1090 Wittonshields. Cattle 10 months and under – Lim X – £1410 Willimoteswick; £1360 Hawksteel; £1350 East Unthank; £1300 Willimoteswick; £1240, £1160 Wallend; £1130 Low Ardley and Nilston Rigg; £1100 West Moorhouses. A-A – £1170, £1000 Old Town. A-A X – £1110 Wittonshields.

Store hoggs – Tex – £210 (x2) Low Ardley; £175 Low Ardley; £152, £148, £136 Chapel House. Tex X – £122 Low Ardley; £114 Cooper House and Tulip Villa; £109 West Heddon; £108 Thornton Tower, Nunwick and Dukesfield Hall; £106 Cooper House; £104 Thornton Tower and Dyke Head; £102 Blackhill and Dukesfield Hall. Suff X – £115 Bellshiel; £105 Thockrington Farms; £100 Kirkley Hall and Thockrington Farms. Char X – £99 Rosehill. Belt X – £100 Low West House; £91 Thornton Tower; £90 Low West House. Dutch Tex X – £114 Waterloo. Mule – £100 Settlingstones. Half bred – £87 Moorlaws. BF – £111 The Stobbs.


On Tuesday, Lawrie and Symington, had forward 173 breeding and store cattle, which achieved a top of £1870 for a 644kg British Blue bullock from CS Fleming and Son, Strone, and to 333.3p per kg for a 426kg Limousin from R Simpson and Son, Mains of Creuchies.

Heifers reached £1570 on two occasions, firstly for a 592 kg Limousin cross from MG Reid, Gyratesmyre, and again for a pair of 573kg Limousin crosses from DS Stark and Sons, South Ballo. It was more Limousins that led the pence per kg among the heifers at 328.6p for a pen of three weighing 426kg from R Simpson and Son, Mains of Creuchies.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – A-A – £1470 Newton of Fothringham; £1260 Denbrae; £950 Waterside of Thornton;£950 Balcalk. Saler – £900 West Mains of Finavon. Lim – £1340, £1120 Sketewan. Luing – £1080, £1000 Denbrae. Lim X – £1670, £1580 Herdhillmuir; £1550, £1510 Strone; £1420 Mains of Creuchies; £1360 Newton of Fothringham; £1310 Afflochie. Sim – £1660, £1460 Little Ballo; £1270 Denbrae. BB – £1420, £1400 Strone; £1410 Mains of Creuchies; £1290 Herdhillmuir.

Heifers – A-A – £960 The Ranch; £950 Balcalk; £810 Waterside of Thornton. Lim – £1450 Sketewan. Linc. Red – £800 Waterside of Thornton. Lim X – £1490, £1440 Gyratesmyre; £1490, £1400 Mains of Creuchies; £1420 Strone; £1410 Afflochie. BS – £830 Balcalk. Sim – £1220 Denbrae; £1200 Little Ballo. BB – £1430 Herdhillmuir; £1410, £1400 Strone.

Young bull – Lim X – £1070 Scronley.

Breeding cattle – Dispersal sale from WM Orr and Sons, West Mains of Finavon – Saler cow and bull calf at foot – £2300, £2250. Saler in-calf cow – £1900. A-A bull– £1650.

Lim in-calf cow – £1500 Balquhadlie.


On Tuesday, Craig Wilson auction market sold just one dairy animal for £2400, which came in the form of a Red and White Holstein Friesian heifer from Messrs Jack Craig and Co, Tannockhill.

A small show of 85 calves and stirks, reached £550 on two separate occasions, firstly for a British Blue cross bull from Messrs Logan, Holehouse, and then again for a British Blue cross heifer from B Watt, Bowes.

LEADING prices

Calves – Bull – BB X – £550 Bowes; £520 Auchleand; £470 Holehouse; £460, £440, £410, £390, £380 (x2) Auchleand. Char X – £535, £525, £520 Holehouse. A-A X – £385 Auchleand; £345 (x2) Auchleand. Lim X – £360 Laigh Tarbeg.

Heifers – BB X – £550 Holehouse; £545, £520, £490, £370 Bowes; £350, £345 Auchleand; £330 Craigie Mains and Kirkhill; £325 Kaimhill; £320 Craigie Mains; £310, £300 Auchleand. Hfd X – £500 Low Ballees. Char X – £490, £460 Holehouse. A-A X – £290 Auchleand.


On Tuesday, Lawrie and Symington sold 665 store cattle at their fortnightly sale, with cattle from Crofthills, proving popular, topping the sale at £1840 were two 626kg Charolais cross bullocks, with a 660kg Aberdeen-Angus heifer making £1670.

Among the pence per kg section, bullocks sold to 335p for two 391kg Limousin crosses from West Quarter to average 291.3p, with heifers hitting 314p for more of the same weighing 484kg from Kilbucho Place, to level at 264p.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – A-A – £1790 Crofthills; £1670 Hillhead; £1650 Cuff; £1650 Crofthills; £1570 Cuff; £1550 Low Bowhill; £1540 Crofthills; £1500, £1490 Low Bowhill; £1490 Cobblehaugh. Hfd – £1500, £1430 Cuff; £1230 Newhouses; £1230 Over Kypeside; £1200 North Brackenridge; £1090 Newhouses; £1035 Drumboy; £930 North Brackenridge; £910 Drumboy. Lim – £1495 Underlaw; £1485 Gair; £1280 Drumbuie. Lim X – £1750 Underlaw; £1720 Burnfoot; £1700 Gair; £1700 Muldron; £1590 Underlaw; £1580 Cuff; £1580 Gair; £1575, £1570 Underlaw; £1560 Birkhill. Char X – £1840, £1660 Crofthills; £1630 Eastshield; £1580, £1550, £1540 Crofthills; £1480 Cuff; £1470 Easter Hassockrigg; £1460 West Handaxwood; £1450 Crofthills. BS – £1450 Hillhead; £1435 Bowridge; £1390 West Handaxwood; £1255 Mauldslie Mains; £1190 Crawlaw; £1190 North Brackenridge. Fkv – £1460 Cuff. BG – £1030 Shawhead. Sim – £1630, £1610 Eastshield; £1530 Greenbank; £1470 The Law; £1335 Greenbank; £1310 Easter Hassockrigg; £1300 Greenbank; £1290 Easter Hassockrigg; £1190 Bents; £1170 Cuff. BB – £1560, £1520, £1420, £1410 Stonebyres Mains; £1350 Cuff; £1320 Craigthorn; £1200 Crofthills.

Heifers – A-A – £1670 Crofthills; £1455 Cobblehaugh; £1400 Townfoot; £1400 The Law; £1400, £1385 Cobblehaugh; £1400 Cuff; £1340 Parklea; £1320 Hillhead; £1310 Greenbank. Hfd – £1245 West Handaxwood. Sal – £1290 Lawhead. Lim – £1310 Gair; £1100 Drumbuie. Lui – £1380 The Law. Lim X – £1645 Burnfoot; £1630 Birkhill; £1600 Muldron; £1530 Bankhead; £1520 Kilbucho Place; £1460 Millmoor; £1440 Parklea; £1440 Sandilands; £1400 Thinacre; £1380 The Law. Char X – £1660 Cloverhill; £1580, £1560 Crofthills; £1430 Eastshield; £1390 Parklea; £1340 Crofthills; £1320 The Law; £1290 Cleughhead; £1240 Sandilands; £1230 Cleughhead. BS – £1250 Cobblehaugh; £1245 West Handaxwood; £1190 Baillieshall; £1190 Carco; £1160 Shawhead; £1140 West Handaxwood. Sim – £1510 Greenbank; £1490, £1470 Kirkton of Crawford; £1400 The Law; £1400 Eastshield; £1320 The Law; £1310 Parklea; £1255, £1170 Greenbank; £1170 Townfoot. BB – £1360 Walston Mill; £1340 Lindenlea; £1340, £1290 Walston Mill; £1285 Craigthorn.

Dairy – Bullocks – Fries – £1290 Cuff; £1110 Crawlaw; £1100, £1070 Cuff; £965 North Bankend; £940 Cuff; £910, £870 East Hyndshawland; £845 Sweetbit. Ayr – £1280, £1160 Langside. Hol – £1040 East Hyndshawland; £965 North Bankend. Mont – £1370 , £1320, £1310, £1200 Cobblehaugh. Heifers – Ayr – £1070 Langside.