Club chair Kim Laird and secretary Laura Wight, Biggar YF

1. How long have you been in young farmers?

Laura - Since I was 14 so 13 years ago.

Kim - I joined when I was just nine so 16 years.

2. What inspired you to join?

Laura - We’re both from farming backgrounds plus my cousins encouraged me to join. Kim - My sister and neighbours got me involved, I was always going to join but having so many connections already taking part really solidified it for me.

3. If you could describe the club in three words, what would they be?

Kim - Busy, inclusive, and exciting.

4. What is the most unexpected thing you’ve learned through your involvement in YF?

Laura - There is something for everyone no matter your background and loads of support throughout. We’ve learned things we wouldn’t have got chance to do at home such as cattle dressing, stock judging, and speechmaking. It is also great to meet so many like-minded people from all over Scotland.

5. If your club was to go on a road trip? Where would be your ultimate destination?

Kim - Tour all the main UK shows: Balmoral, Royal Highland, Royal Welsh, Great Yorkshire. Members really enjoy our annual exchanges but touring all the shows would be a very entertaining road trip.

6. What is one skill you’ve developed since your involvement with YF?

Kim - Confidence with speaking from meeting new people and speechmaking, learning how to chair meetings. It really helps develop you as an individual. Laura - Organising skills. You don’t release how much is involved in these roles till you’re doing them.

7. What is the most adventurous thing your club has ever done?

Laura - For me, it has to be the charity skydive. Although the club has amazing events throughout the year filled with adventure.

8. What is one goal you hope to achieve in the future as a club?

Kim - To continue to grow and keep members engaged with events and learning. We are currently sitting as one of the biggest clubs in Scotland, it would be good to maintain that.

9. What would be your best piece of advice for anyone wishing to join?

Laura and Kim - Just do it and give everything a go, you don’t know till you try.